- gnotobiotic
- гнотобиотический
English-Russian Biotechnology Glossary. A. F. Valikhov, V. V. Kolotvin, O. A. Legonkova, I. A. Rogov, Thomas Creamer. 2007.
English-Russian Biotechnology Glossary. A. F. Valikhov, V. V. Kolotvin, O. A. Legonkova, I. A. Rogov, Thomas Creamer. 2007.
gnotobiotic — gnotobiótic adj. m.(sil. bi o ), pl. gnotobiótici; f. sg. gnotobiótică, pl. gnotobiótice Trimis de siveco, 10.08.2004. Sursa: Dicţionar ortografic … Dicționar Român
gnotobiotic — Organism or environment completely or almost completely depleted of all organisms or all other organisms. Animals that are SPF (specific pathogen free) are gnotobiotic … Dictionary of molecular biology
gnotobiotic — Denoting germ free or formerly germ free organisms in which the composition of any associated microbial flora, if present, is fully defined. [see gnotobiota] * * * gno·to·bi·ot·ic .nō tə (.)bī ät ik, bē adj of, relating to, living in, or being a… … Medical dictionary
Gnotobiotic animal — A gnotobiotic animal (from Greek roots gnostos known and vios life ) is an animal in which only certain known strains of bacteria and other microorganisms are present (compare germ free animals).Gnotobiotic animals (also gnotobiote or gnotobiont… … Wikipedia
gnotobiotic — adjective Etymology: Greek gnōtos known (from gignōskein to know) + biotē life, way of life more at know, biota Date: 1949 of, relating to, living in, or being a controlled environment containing one or a few kinds of organisms; also axenic •… … New Collegiate Dictionary
gnotobiotic — a; see agnotobiotic culture … Dictionary of invertebrate zoology
gnotobiotic — (no to bi ot ik) Animals that are germfree (microorganism free) or live in association with one or more known microorganisms … Dictionary of microbiology
gnotobiotic — /noh toh buy ot ik/, adj. (of germfree animals) inoculated with microorganisms of a given type. [1945 50; GNOTOBIOTE + IC] * * * … Universalium
gnotobiotic — adjective Pertaining to gnotobiotics … Wiktionary
gnotobiotic — gno·to·bi·ot·ic … English syllables
gnotobiotic — adj. describing germ free conditions or a germ free animal that has been inoculated with known microorganisms … The new mediacal dictionary